Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Director News!

News from Karin

Spring is well under way with the hope of more warm and sunny days ahead.  Our students so love to be outdoors this time of year and with our new additions to our Play Park, it is even more exciting.  We now have a wonderful water feature, a large rock fountain that lays in our dry creek bed.  Students fill buckets to water plants, pour down slides and 'paint' our car and play house.  Washing rocks is always fun, seeing the changing colors.  We experiment with concepts of sink vs float as well.  Trikes are being used in our riding area beside the play park.  Spring is the time for running, exploring and gathering dandelions by the handfuls.  Stop by and visit us out doors, the play park will be open now between classes for parents to use. 

Registration for fall classes is still under way.  We currently have openings in all of our fall classes.  All of our current staff will be returning next fall which is wonderful.  As always, you know that your opinion of our program, curriculum  and staff is so very important to us.  Telling other families of your experience with us is always our very best advertising.  Thank you so much, Rose Hill parents for your endorsements.  

Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up soon.  I would love to spend some uninterrupted time with you discussing your child and their growth over the past months.  Please sign up for a time slot.  The sign up sheet is posted in the hallway bulletin board for Parent Communications (Monthly Newsletter is posted as well as Science class volunteer list).  Select an open time, sign your name, then be sure to grab a reminder slip for your own records.  

Time to share a few important Thank you notes!  First to Brianna Bennitt for her monthly work with our Scholastic Book program.  Each month Brianna puts together our orders online.  Thank you Brianna!  
Recently during a Parent Coffee meeting, I shared the need to clean out our trike shed.  Trent Fox volunteered, but did so much more.  Trent and Christy (wife) reorganized and updated all of our emergency supplies.  Thank you, for going above and beyond Trent and Christy.  We are now better prepared to care for our students in the case of an emergency.  We pray that we don't every have to use the supplies of course.  

Thank you parents, for your ongoing prayers and support, you are the best! 

May Page 1

May Page 2

Pre K Ladybugs

4's Busy Bees

3's Butterfly