Friday, May 29, 2015

Preschool summer and fall news

Wow!  Summer is here, this year has gone past us fast.  Our graduating students, all 22, are ready to move forward into the world of Kindergarten.  We will miss them and send them off with our prayers and best hopes for a wonderful future.  They have all worked so hard this year learning everything from letters and letter sounds, numbers, plus very important classroom skills like self control!  We think that is one of the hardest skills for anyone to master but our preschoolers have done very well.  We are very proud of each student, congratulations!   Always remember that we so love it when you stop by for a visit anytime in the future!

Our enrollment process continues with classes slowly filling up.  As of the first of June, we do have spaces for more students in all of our classes.  If you have not registered for next fall, do so soon so that your space will not be taken.  AND, if you know of anyone looking for a preschool, would you recommend us?  Your endorsement means so much, in fact it is the very best way for new families to get involved.

Summer events:  We have 2 get togethers planned.  Come to the preschool, if sunny and warm, we will have a picnic outdoors and play in the play park with toys and water.  If it is rainy or too cool, gather in the gym for lunch and then we will bring out the toys.

Dates: July 13th at 11:00AM and August 10th @ 11:00AM

Everyone is invited both current, graduated and new families!

September Dates!
Open House: Thursday, September 10th @ 9:00AM  3's Butterflies!
Open House: Thursday, September 10th @ 12:45 PreK Ladybugs!
Open House Friday, September 11th @ 9:00AM  4's Busy Bees
      You will be able to pick up your student enrollment packet, emergency bags, parent handbook plus September Calendars and Newsletters.  We will not be mailing them.  This is a time to visit for preschool, renew friendships and meet new families and friends.  Staff will be available to greet and answer any questions.  Karin Darragh will meet briefly with parents to talk about the new year.  If you are not able to attend, contact the preschool.

Preschool Begins:  Monday, September 14th for both the 4's Busy Bees and Prek Ladybug Classes
                              Tuesday, September 15th for the 3's Butterflies.
Due the first day of class: Student Enrollment form completed, Emergency Bag, September tuition.
(Remember your tuition is 10 EQUAL payments, September through June.)

We want to close with wishing everyone a very safe and enjoyable summer filled with fun and lots of good memories.  Take care and see you soon!  Blessings,

June 2015 page 1

June 2015 page 2

Pre K Ladybugs

4's Busy Bees

3's Butterflies